Reading Time: 1 minuteIf you think about it, in life there is no such thing as risk-free activities. Nothing is really safe. Helen Keller, author, speaker, and advocate for disabled persons once said, “Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life […]
Reading Time: 4 minutesWould you believe me if I told you that you’re not really not selling haircuts, hair color or facials, but instead, what you’re really selling is time? I cringe when I hear salon owners tell me that they set their goals by simply adding ten or fifteen percent to the prior year sales for […]
Reading Time: 4 minutesHow would you feel after coming back from a 21 day excursion to Europe only to find that upon returning, everything was business as usual? No backlogs, no bottlenecks, nothing. No emergencies or fires to put out. You would feel pretty good right? Would you believe me if I told you that it’s possible to […]
Reading Time: 2 minutesYes, they are, and you know what? It doesn’t really matter. Wait, what? I know, I know. You’re probably thinking I’ve lost my mind. You’re also thinking, “Yeah, BUT what if my stylists friend all of our clients on social media and then decide to leave?” Well, guess what? They could and they probably will […]
Reading Time: 3 minutesIt’s not always the case, but more times than not, the beginning of the week for salons is slower than say, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Not sure why this happens, but it does. One thing’s for sure. We’re always looking for ways to fill in the white space on our books, especially during the beginning […]
Reading Time: 2 minutesBy Lisa Cochran, Owner, The Studio Salon + Studio R3 Let’s face it, as business owners we go through “storms” in business. As I write this, our friends in the great state of Texas are being hammered with Hurricane Harvey. Twelve years ago we were preparing for our own storm, Hurricane Katrina. We lost our […]
Reading Time: 4 minutesIt seems like every day, I hear salon and spa owners complain about how hard it is to get quality candidates to interview for positions inside their businesses. Does it seem like nothing is working? Resumes are barely trickling in and you occasionally have an applicant stop by. If this sounds familiar, keep reading. Guess […]
Reading Time: 3 minutesWhen was the last time you revisited your team’s monthly bonus plan? Even when leadership is “beating the drum” around shifting behaviors, team members can become numb or lack motivation to drive performance when there’s an old incentive in place. If you don’t have a monthly bonus incentive in place, keep reading. If you’ve been […]
Reading Time: 2 minutesSometimes we just tend to overcomplicate things. Salon owners often reach out to me and ask what they should do about accounting and record-keeping when opening an additional location. They ask me, “Should I open a second checking account? What about my accounting software? How do I keep track of multiple locations?” You can go […]
Reading Time: 2 minutesIf there’s one thing that I would have done sooner after opening a second location, it was this: Create a Human Resource position and fill it! Actually, if I’m being honest, once you start nipping at $1 million in revenues, you should consider creating a human resource position, regardless of how many locations you have. […]