Managing Your Way Through Change In Your Organization: Exercise

May 5, 2014

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You know there’s a saying that goes something like this, “In order to take care of others, you gotta take care of yourself.”   It’s true.    During difficult times, in order to endure, you have to stay strong and healthy.  We have people counting on us!
This isn’t the first blog post that talks about the importance of exercising, especially if you’re an entrepreneur.     However, it goes to show that there is some real truth in exercising and managing a business.
The interesting fact is that of all the things, exercising is probably the hardest to do, especially during difficult times.  Why?  Because in most cases, you’re too tired to do anything when you get home.    Sometimes all you want to do is pick up some fast food, wolf it down, and then crawl into bed.    It’s easy to get down and depressed during difficult times.

Image Source: WebMD

Image Source: WebMD

When times are tough, these are the moments when choices become super important.   For me, I try not to fall into the pity trap and choose to do things that help me become a better leader.  What works for me is to exercise during the times of day when my energy levels are high.   I’m not a morning person, so the afternoons work best for me.   The most important thing, experts say, is to choose a time of day you can stick with, so that exercise becomes a habit.
It doesn’t really matter what you do, as long as you just get out and move!   It can be something as easy as walking the dog.    I enjoy running, so I walk my dog in the morning and run in the afternoon.   What I love about running is that for me, it’s like my own form of meditation.   It’s an escape.  The other advantage to getting out and exercising is that it allows you to get away from the business.    This will allow you to think more clearly, without the distractions from being at the business.   (Side benefit:  Some of my best business ideas come to me when I run!)
One thing to remember is to drink a lot of water throughout the day so that you have energy and are more inclined to want to exercise when you get home or head over to the gym.
Your turn:  What do you do to stay healthy while managing the demands of your business?   Do you have any tips to share to help us stay healthy at and away from work?

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Chris Murphy