MFX: It’s More Than Just Salon and Spa Services

July 28, 2012

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Maximum FX is a values-based company where we use ten core values and one single purpose to help guide us in all that we do as a brand both internally and externally. At our last team meeting, we asked a few team members to describe their favorite value and what it means to them. Here’s what they had to say:
“Relationships: Strong relationships amongst team members and  strong relationships with our clients builds trust and loyalty. A strong culture will encourage clients to come back and promote staff retention.”
Linda Weisman
Inventory Management Specialist
“Teamwork:  Makes for a positive work atmosphere where team members are happy working with one another.  It definitely makes the day to day work much smoother!”
Erinn Cain
Color Specialist
“Happiness:  It’s contagious!  People want to be around happy people.  When I’m surrounded by happy team members, I’m happy.   Clients can feel the energy in a happy environment and it allows us to turn someone’s day around without even knowing it.”
Melinda Perez
“Teamwork:  My team is everything to me.  So when I’m running behind schedule, I love knowing that a teammate is there to help me.   Teamwork builds trust.  We work through challenges, and we work through them together.”
Jessica Jordan
Color Specialist
“Creativity:  I love the value of Creativity because it encourages our team to continue working towards greatness by thinking and experimenting with new ideas.  This value helps fuel so many other values as well.  To me, this value means that we can all express ourselves and our passion while also making ourselves and the business stronger.”  
                                        Leigh Ellington, Guest Care Coordinator
“Fun:  We spend so much time together here at work.  Fun definitely makes the day better!  When you’re having fun, your whole life is brighter!”
Jessica Morris
Color Specialist
“Fun:  I believe that if the workplace is fun, then everything else will fall into place.  A fun and happy environment promotes positive energy.   Where there’s fun in the workplace, there’s high levels of trust because team members are comfortable with one another.”
Tess Rodriguez
Award-Winning Esthetician
“Trust:  It’s the foundation of all relationships.   Teamwork relies heavily on high levels of trust.  Without it, we have nothing.”
Kady Simmons
“Success:  It’s all about growing personally and professionally in a positive environment.  I believe that Success is the core to everything we are working to build.  When you’re successful, everything else follows.”
Javier Herrera
Owner, Maximum FX Salons Spa (Yes, he’s wearing a sombrero and holding up some gigantic glass vase of some sort. Don’t ask.  We have no idea either.”)

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  1. Monica

    August 5th, 2012 at 6:43 am

    Wonderful quotes. I like them.

  2. Chris Murphy

    August 5th, 2012 at 3:46 pm

    Thanks Monica!

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Chris Murphy